Cheftimony Episode 059 - Gather on Haida Gwaii


Come discover and amazing place, with incredible food, at what feels like the edge of the world.

There is a place that feels to me like the end of the world – a beautiful, wild place. It’s full of incredible history, amazing people and, I was delighted to discover, some excellent culinary options. This place is Haida Gwaii, an archipelago off the west coast of Canada, and quite far north. My wife and I spent time on Haida Gwaii in April meeting friendly people, hiking the trails and walking the beaches. We also found Gather Restaurant, a wonderfully cozy spot that nourishes locals and visitors alike.

Today you’ll hear from Chef Giulio of Gather; about his start in cooking in Italy and his transition to the Canadian culinary scene; about the challenges of sourcing ingredients and cooking in this beautiful remote place; and about his respect for the land and his hosts, the Haida Nation. Chef Giulio also talks about the renaming of the town where his restaurant is located, from the Village of Queen Charlotte to its ancestral Haida name, Daajing Giids.

And of course we talk about what’s on the menu right now at Gather! Please join us. Until you can get to Haida Gwaii yourself, you can pull up a chair and join Chef G and me, tableside at Gather.


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Snapshot: City Cast Las Vegas